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cameraInspect - humanless support

The motto “humanless support” aligns well with the description of CameraInspect, emphasizing the automated aspect of the service.

Name: CameraInspect

Motto: Humanless Support

Description: CameraInspect is a web application designed to analyze the network and cameras within a system, providing automatic analysis, repair, and configuration. The platform specializes in network inspection, camera configuration, and surveillance stream testing, emphasizing automated, humanless support for efficient and reliable surveillance management.


  1. Inspect Networks
  2. Configure Cameras
  3. Test Streams
  4. Streamlined Surveillance
  5. Network Surveillance
  6. Config Inspect
  7. Stream Analyze
  8. Inspect Configuration
  9. Surveillance Testing
  10. Network Testing

  11. Effortless Inspection
  12. Seamless Monitoring
  13. Automate Security
  14. Streamline Check
  15. Smart Surveillance
  16. Zero-Touch Config
  17. Humanless Insight
  18. Remote Validation
  19. Hands-Free Testing
  20. Efficient Oversight


CONTRIBUTION are always welcome:


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flatedit/bash/main/flatedit.sh
chmod +x flatedit.sh
./flatedit.sh update
./flatedit.sh install
./flatedit.sh init
./flatedit install
./flatedit init

Python Install

Zainstaluj biblioteki Pythona, jeśli jeszcze tego nie zrobiłeś. Możesz to zrobić używając pip:

py -m pip install --upgrade pip
py -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
py -m pip install --upgrade wheel
py -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Start docker

Pliki Dockerfile i docker-compose.yml umożliwiaj konteneryzację aplikacji React.js (src) i backendu Express, co sprawia, że aplikacja staje się bardziej przenośna i łatwa do wdrożenia. Dzięki Docker i Docker Compose możesz uruchomić złożone środowiska wielokontenerowe jedną komendą, co znacznie upraszcza zarządzanie i skalowanie aplikacji.

cd backend
docker build -t .
cd ..
cd src
docker build .

Zbuduj i uruchom kontenery za pomocą Docker Compose:

docker compose up --build


Jeśli wystąpią problemy, sprawdź logi za pomocą:

docker compose logs

Zatrzymywanie kontenerów

docker compose down

If you need your build to connect to services running on the host, you can use the special host-gateway value for –add-host. In the following example, build containers resolve host.docker.internal to the host’s gateway IP.

docker build --add-host host.docker.internal=host-gateway .